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Typoo's Regular Command

 You may recall perhaps that as I was plodding through the first units for the E.I.C. Army of Pendawar I made a point of also working on figures for the command stands and the odd vignette. Keeping this in mind when I started on the Regular infantry brigade for Typoo Bhyka's army I have also been painting figures for the Brigade's command stand ~

The commander and standard bearer are from the Foundry Miniatures Tribal Warriors Command pack while the water-wallah is from Perry Miniatures Sepoy Command pack. The flag was made for me by chum George Anderson utilizing a tiger design I found via a web search. I think it has worked out really well ~

Next up are the second regiment of Regular infantry, the Tyger's Blood Regiment. These are all Foundry Miniatures armed with talwaar and dhal and sporting bright red turbans, as surely befits their regiment's name.

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